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KONJI can not kill you

I could vividly remember that during my childhood days, I could move about freely with pants, stay at home alone with my cousins, play about with other boys and girls in the neighborhood, allow elderly ones to carry me and so on but such acts now would be considered a dangerous play where Yoruba would say "o n fi ina sori orule sun."

Children, both boys and girls are no longer allowed to enjoy their innocent childhood, they take caution of whoever adult they come across with probing reactions and unanswered questions within them "which kind of person is this?"

I could also remember those days when parents would leave their children in the hands of neighbours pending their arrival and they wouldn't have to think twice about it.

The most disheartening thing is when the most trusted person go on to abuse the child and threatening such a child never to speak up. 

What a world we live in!

Has the beast version of these perpetrators recently been upgraded? That you find a news of sexual abuse in the dailies everytime.

I begin to wonder what level of insanity it is for a father to defile his daughter. So outrageous to hear of a 65 year old on a 7year old girl or a situation where we have more than one person sexually abusing a single individual. Doesn't this "thing" have regard for any kind of "hole"?

These sexual offenders seem everywhere, in a family, in a neighborhood, in religious place, roaming the street and like the scripture described the devil "looking for whom to devour." The difficult part is you can't identify them by mere looks. They look so cool and reserved. That nice neighbour waving goodbye to your son or daughter every morning while they leave for school. How I wish EVIL could be written on their foreheads.

What sexual urge do you hope to satisfy with a minor or someone that didn't consent? An elderly woman forcing a little boy to "play" with her, an elderly man overpowering a little girl or two mature individuals that didn't agree mutually.

Maybe I should stop referring to them as sexual offenders, they are RAPISTS. 

Some stories are really gullible online, permit me to say that, about guys trying to defend their violent rape actions and I was like is there ever a good reason to snatch the innocence of little ones and make them live in pain and agony for the rest of their lives when you move freely about like a prince?

You blame mature girls for dressing indecently, walking alone or going to their partner's place. What of Uwa who was raped and murdered inside a church, a sacred place for that matter? Or the other girl who was gang raped? Did she wear cloth that revealed her cleavage or was she naked or was she at her boyfriend's place or did she send for them?

What baffles me most is even after the whole protest online clamouring for justice for these victims, we would still see and hear about issues like this in subsequent news bulletins. But why?

Please teach your sons to appreciate a woman and that they have no right to their bodies.

We would continue to tell our daughters to be decent in their dressing, places they visit and to return home at responsible hours. But you know it didn't start from there.

For the women that abuse our sons, please get yourself a dildo or get married legally so you can do stuffs with your spouse not little ones. Those won't help though, CONTROL YOUR URGE!

For the irresponsible men, "the agbaayas" CONTROL YOUR URGE. You can't be alienated from the society because you are a beast. Work on yourself. Tame your "thing"

For the boyfriends that force themselves on their girlfriends, SHAME ON YOU! KONJI cannot kill you. Respect your woman when she says NO. 

This is not the first time we would hear about it and we can't trust our system to do justice. 

To conclude my rage. PLEASE FEAR GOD and don't place a curse on yourself through your action.
Learn to look off!

Virtual hugs 🤗 


  1. No means No
    Let keep praying God protect our female while we pray that God gives our male the ability to control their urge or whatever

    1. Amen. We hope these perpetrators understand that soon. Thank you for checking by

  2. I hope justice to prevail but in this awful system lead by shameless leaders, I don't see any meaningful judgement coming from them. I just pray God should interven and punish the offender with grievous punishment


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