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Heroes raise Heroes💞💞

Celebrating fathers, OUR HEROES💃💃💃💃

The just celebrated Father's day has actually propelled me to write this to you all. Filling two different gaps as a child and a parent at the same time. How we as children look up to our  parents and how as a parent we ought to do to our children.

Is someone wondering what is this girl saying? Well, I don't know too but maybe you just need to read a little further.

Growing up, I hear people say fathers are mirrors while mothers are golds. I'm sure you must have heard that said in the Yoruba language zillion times ''iya ni wura, baba ni digi.''

I ponder on this and wonder why fathers are not referred to as one of the natural resources instead another thing entirely that can be so cheap, A mirror?

Maybe I should chip this in here too that there seems to be unfairness in the days set aside like you men complain of in that mothers day is celebrated almost everyday (pardon my exaggeration) whereas Fathers day is just once in 365 days, not even as publicized as Mother's. That doesn't in any way reduce their importance in our lives.

Before I write further, it's my prayer that those without fathers would be ''fathered'' by our Father in Heaven. It's really not an easy thing to be raised by mothers alone or none at all. I understood this from the experiences I've seen around, read in books and watched in movies.

Whether biological fathers, non-biological fathers, spiritual fathers, fathers roles are quite indispensable.

Shoutout to the amazing fathers out there😘 We love you dearly.

I'm reminded of some conversations I have with my dad and they are really full of wisom and life principles.

I could vividly remember how he corrects me when I was in primary school  about my handwriting or whenever he sees a mistake in my notebooks. He would always say I should make sure I check what is written on the chalkboard properly (yes, we used blackboards in my time, not white boards or projector) before writing so I won't have to cross my books several times due to error.

Whenever he sees me on a new cloth or shoe till now, he would ask when I got it or who got it for me. He's so observant, I must say.

When he starts sharing his childhood experience, I'm just like ''OMG!''

He shared a story with my sister and I recently dated back to when he was in secondary school. He said whenever his school goes out to meet with another school in a competition and they were edged out, when they get back to school the next day, the teachers would call out the players that went to represent his school and flog them on the assembly ground for loosing to another school including him o because he used to be a footballer then.

I asked him why ? He said the teachers want them to always top their game with a very high competitive spirit of sportsmanship since both teams made up of 11 players each, therefore none should lose not even their school team.

Just a digression, this isn't all about my dad though. 

Do you know there could be times when we probably start comparing our parents to those we see in Nollywood or in our neighborhood? Let me even not go there, I've been in that shoe several times.

And I've eventually come to accept the fact that I couldn't have had a better Dad or Mum.

Penning this down from my thoughts and making a call to parents and intending parents whether a man or woman to make sure we all do things that our children would be proud of and vice versa.

It would be a bad thing when we fail as parents, what will be the hope of the generations coming behind us?

When our children look up to us to copy and paste what we do and they discovered they have been doing the wrong thing all along. What a mess!

You would agree with me that the sole cause of the problems we are facing in our society is due to bad or poor parenting whether over pampering (giving them too much instead of teaching them how to abound and abase) or restrictions ( by imposing our choices on them every moment). Children from either of these homes would eventually turn out to be something else(most times bad) in the society.

Fathers, Mothers, we all understand your schedule might be so tight but we are not asking for too much than to be our best friends, BE AVAILABLE TO LISTEN AND INSTRUCT.

Finally, guys, we aren't too old to be chastised as he that the father loves, he chastises. Our parents love us.

Virtual hugs🤗🤗


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