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Heart-to-Heart gist❤

I've got the urge to write some kind of stuff so personal 😋. Yes, I'm not prying into your affairs buh I feel we should have a heart-to-heart talk😉.

Relationships and red signals!

If you really have my kind of best friend, you are lucky I must say. We talk basically about all facets of our lives, criticizing the wrong steps one of us might have taken and critically defining ways to get better.

Well, that was just to tell you that relationship talks are part of our conversation and it gets so exciting when it comes to that.

So, she was at my place and we got talking as usual. Fortunately, your people supplied power sha, we decided to watch one Yoruba movie that was showing.

The first thing that didn't even make me concentrate was the contrast and the makeups on the ladies that gave me the impression the film must have been shot about 4 to 5years ago. Oh! I didn't tell you, there's something in me that doesn't go well with old movies, if it's not as recent as 2years ago then I'm not watching.

I saw familiar faces of people making wave in the Yoruba Nollywood and I decided to concentrate.

I couldn't take it anymore when I saw the lady taking drastic and unwise steps in a bid to at all cost get the guy to love her even when that one was clearly portraying himself as a jigolo.

That was how girlfriend and I started analysing the lady's behaviour and she was giving me instances of real life situation of close people who chose to still hold on to a partner that obviously wasn't showing any sign of interest and supporting their actions with "love is blind" or "he or she will change."

Does love really blind us to see someone else's disinterest in us and we still feel as if we can make everything work all alone?

Some stories I hear at times sound so pathetic and I'm always like when this thing was happening that way, why didn't the other person recognize it enough as an escapade.

I called this a heart-to-heart conversation to tell you some personal things about me and it goes thus:

If I notice a man is becoming so insecure by asking frequently "where are you or what are you doing" and so many other insecure questions, after I might have sat him down on various occasion and he's still the same, I'll walk away but I won't slam the door.

If a man is domineering, I mean a General Officer Commanding, it's a red signal enough for me to walk away but I won't slam the door.

If a man is so stingy and frugal all in the name of being economical, it's a no no.

If a man is verbally and physically abusive, I would leave.

If a man is acting so coldly and doesn't seem to care about the relationship anymore, it could be a red signal. 

Lastly, on my list, if there seems to be no spiritual conviction 🤔

The list could actually go on and on.

Now tell me, what are the red signals you wouldn't tolerate??

Use the comment box.

Virtual hugs🤗


  1. Someone who doesn't forgive easily!

  2. Hi girl you've done well and I agree with all you've listed but list actually goes on and on and one of the unending list is the fact that a guy who start telling me to do the things he knows I don't usually do or that I'm not used to is giving me the big red signal.For example,my guy knows I don't fix lashes and that I get really uncomfortable with nails and multiple piercings and then he starts asking me to do these stuffs? I don't there's nothing else I should be waiting for

  3. Wow the red sign are very vital in a relationship.

    I am just getting into a relationship so I can't say.

    But over the years we have seen why courtship or dating go wrong.

    This is a way of telling if the relationship is not define,

    If my man can't show me off to family and friend.

    He doesn't want to be in a open relationship with me, he preferred keeping it enclose, good but not the best.

    You keep hoping to change him/her that's not even possible, someone is beating you why you court and then you throw a pity party round it saying is gonna be alright.... Damn red flag! A no go area.

    Of course more and more...
    Ladies need to be discerning so as men not to be dissapointed at the end.

    Reg sign is just seemingly like the 🚥 the red, yellow and red.

    We should all go for the green not the red.

    Thanks for sharing a piece of your thought.

    Virtual hugs too.

    1. This is really valuable.
      I hope people could digest.

      Thank you for reading ❤


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