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Good memories 

How precious they are!

The not so good memories, how we hate to remember them. 

In the world, there are tensions here and there. Hard pressure from the family, finance, peers, economy and many other ones. But when a particular person helps keep your head up in the midst of all these, you wouldn't want to trade the moments for anything.

The smiles, laughter, chitchats, hangouts, adventures, snaps, thriller videos and every other beautiful acts are forever cherished. Looking back at events like that gives joy to the soul. 

With each person that crosses your path, there are things you can definitely attribute their coming to. Some people are lively and highly spirited, they motivate you to reaching your dreams, they are at your beck and call while some outtalk you of every great dreams, they just exist in your life to inflict pain and sadness. Even after deleting their pictures on our phones and breaking ties, we still can't forget their bad deeds. Whatever thing people do, we'll remember them for something just like they would remember you and I for something too.

Everything that happens here on earth is transient. However, when you fail to value happy moments and people responsible for such, it might end up being too late.

Just like they say, you don't appreciate what you have until you lose it or until it's gone but it's not as if you do not appreciate it o, you just never knew or probably never thought it could be taken away from you.

The tragic event that happened some days ago (those in my school know right) has taught me to cherish happy moments and people. Not that I didn't know about valuing the present before which I'm sure you've heard severally too but we fail to practice it.

It's just like asking people to recite the national pledge or tell us steps to boil rice, these fundamental things are known but we rarely demonstrate what we know.

Maybe someone very close probably relocated, at the mention of the person's name, there's something that comes to our minds. You may be like ''oh, it was this stupid person that snatched my boyfriend'' or ''this yeye person drained my energy those days'' or ''this person made me lose confidence in myself because of constant body shaming'' and many more bad memories. We hiss at those people and the mood gets regretful wishing we had never met them.

But you see some people ehn, they are angels on earth. We miss them when they are gone because their presence was worth it. When we remember the happy moments we shared when they were with us, we long more for them and wish they are still with us.

We should hence know the time we are likely to have with certain people is not guaranteed. It's nice to think forever is the deal but what if they travel out or there's a break in the communication. What would happen?

The people we hold dear to our hearts like family members, close friends, coursemates, work associates and others should be highly regarded and esteemed now that they are here. We shouldn't take their care and love for granted.

Just like I had read of a woman who had a misunderstanding with her husband. She was still in bed when the husband was taking his bath, he slipped in the bath tub and was calling the wife for help but she didn't respond because she was furious at him. By the time she stood up to check what was delaying the husband in the bathroom, she met him dead in a pool of blood. Now, she's extremely bitter, she wished she hadn't gotten angry to that extent, she wished she had loved him more and overlooked his inadequacies but she can't fill such voids again.

I'll still repeat, we don't know how long someone will be in our lives. Instead of craving their presence when they are gone and wishing for the impossible, let's do that now that they are still here with us. We shouldn't wait for someone to create beautiful memories with us, we should rather be the sole person responsible for such memories. So, when we are out of sight, the people we left behind would not cease to speak good of us.

I'm sure you know memories are priceless. The simple soothing words we say to calm people troubled around us, how we make them feel special, how we appreciate them for the little things they do, how we don't openly reject them, how we tolerate and empathise, how we laugh alongside them, how we help when we can, how we're so much of angelic humans.

These goodwill would be remembered greatly when you and I am no more. Ensure you live well! Leave legacies and kind memories. 

To Afolabi Kayode, you'll forever be in our hearts.

Virtual hugs FAM🤗🤗🤗


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