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The first time I came across the word ''sapiosexual'' was when I was reading a book about two years ago.

You know what it means right?

Sapiosexual means to be sexually attracted to intellectual or mental qualities, rather than to the physical body.

Most times, we all crosscheck physical attributes before we consider someone's proposal. 

We set qualifications within our hearts, most ladies say ''I want a tall handsome man with beards, six packs, dark or chocolate skin''

Some men say '' I want a lady with a  hourglass shape, beautiful, fair skin complexion, nice dentition and a moderate height.'' It's all good.

But what happens when you meet someone with the aforementioned attributes, you ignited a conversation and you started hearing ''My names is Cynthia, they calling me CT babies, I enjoying eating spagerri and shicken''

Oh mine!😲 Did you hear that?

Well, nobody would love to date a monkey. No matter how little, every body wants their partner to be admirable even though they said ''beauty is in the eyes of the beholder''

Sapiosexuality is the state of being sexually attracted to intelligence.

You see my kind of being ehn, I'm always receptive to learning and I jump on every available opportunity to expand my horizon of knowledge. I'm attracted to intelligence sha. Maybe I should say I'm sapiosexual.

You know the joy in my heart when I engage in a conversation with a man for the first time and it's so impressive.

Take this conversation for instance

Lollycious: Hello, how do you do?

Fine man: I dey, you?

Lollycious: I'm very well, thank you. How did your day go?

Fine man: Fine

Lollycious: (This is where I give up) OK

Another conversation

Lollycious: Hello, how do you do?

Fine + intelligent man: I'm cool, what about you?

Lollycious: I'm Okay too. How did your day go?

Fine + intelligent man: It went well although I'm quite bothered about this recent #EndSARS trend. Have you visited twitter today? There were videos of protesters who turned out massively in Lagos, Osun and Abuja. Nigerian youths really wanted to see changes in governance including me. I want accountability and we're never go stop making our voices heard. What do you think about this Phase 2 protest?

The difference between the two conversation is glaring. Why won't I like someone that has sense? I'm not saying you should be a talkative but be intelligent not ''over sabi'' or ''too know''

When you relate conversation topics with the books you've read, the year similar occurence had happened, a post you had seen on social media, a discourse you had with someone in that field and so on. All these melt my heart, I must confess. 

It's a blessing to have a kind of partner that's vast in almost all areas. That knows one or two things about technology, sports, heath, media, agriculture, history, business, the list could go on and on.

On a lighter note, it's not the colour of the car that ignites it, the engine does. We don't just want handsome dads but dads who would be vocal enough at PTA (Parents-Teachers Association) meetings, same goes with mums too.

Well, It's far beyond the looks for me, it's how intelligent you are. Be smart and handsome at least. Merge the two biko.

The truth is ''You Are The Kind Of Person You Attract.'' If your network is made up of people with shallow knowledge, you're likely going to be hooked with that kind of person. 

Choose with your heart but involve the brain too.

Now tell me via the comment box, beauty or brain???

Virtual hugs🤗🤗🤗


  1. Replies
    1. I think this described me perfectly. I was told you I got attracted to you because I got to know you are brilliant and that I love being around brilliant girls. I remember I called off a relationship with a girl I was to ask out just because she pronounced Baptist as Bamtist. So irritating. Thank you for adding to my vocabulary today, I didn't know a work like sapiosexual exists.

  2. Beauty. not being vocal at PTA meetings for instance is nobody's concern. I can not stand the thought of living with an ugly first class holder. Fluency in another man's language is not a criteria as far as i'm concerned. knowing what's trending in the outside world is also not a criteria. I'd be proud to say my wOMAN IS BEAUTIFUL

    1. Well, I appreciate your view but it would still be awesome when the complement is like ''your woman is beautiful and smart''


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