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This alone ruins a marriage of so many years, especially when the ego of the man is being tampered with.

Insecurity comes in different forms. In a relationship, a man may feel insecure when his wife earns more than he. A woman may feel insecure when her husband is quite attractive or maybe used to be a casanova before they got married. And generally, insecurity between a husband and a wife could be as a result of growing up and hurtful past relationship experiences. In friendship, a friend may feel insecure when the other seems to be doing well.

An insecure person could be very difficult to deal with. The moment they see you're doing better than they are, that is where problem and enmity sets in.

Let me go on, insecure people talk you out of reaching heights because it threatens them. They start thinking by the time you're on a higher level than they, you may decide to leave.

When I read ''Reflecns of A Man'' by Amari Soul, I had a clearer understanding. The book explained that as long as the position of a woman doesn't threaten the status of a man, he supports the woman but when it's otherwise, he starts to discourage her.

That is when you see a man who is proud of himself being a responsible husband when his wife frequently asks him money for some certain things especially home needs. When the table turns and the wife starts bringing more to the table without going to the husband, it's always seen like a taboo. 

Insecure people would always want you to be dependent on them. They want to be your go-to persons, and when they realize they are loosing power over you, they get hurt.

Insecure friends want to know what is happening in your life every time to have a clue if you're an inch closer to your goals or kilometers farther. They would always want you to be on the same level with them or lower.

Take for instance, immediately you tell them you're taking a professional course or an advanced class, they make negative suggestions to make you quit and erase the idea.

They start saying ''Well, going for it won't be bad but will your parents or partner welcome it, you know you don't have that kind of money o, and the centre is even very far to your place, those tutors sef may not really know what they're teaching and it might just be like a waste of money at the end of the day, I would rather advise you don't opt in for it.''

This kind of discouraging remark is to compensate for their own insecurity, they become aggressive towards you when you don't want to stop outshining them.

Allow me to say these people are dream hangers. Yea, hangers, they tie that dream to a place as long as they are not comfortable with it. They simply don't want it to outweigh their own strengths.

Things to note about them; They are monitoring spirits - they want to know virtually everything, if perhaps you're still where they hung you or you've liberated. Another thing is, they are egoistic - they always want to feel so important in someone else's life.

What can you do if you've found yourself bitter in this form? 

- Admit your insecurity

- Ask God to help you to be genuinely happy for others

- Seek help from past guilt

You may think you're not the insecure type but you know within yourself that you're not happy whenever you see an intimate person of yours achieving more that you do.

Please, stop! This shouldn't follow you into the new year 2021. 

Let me know in the comment box if you've ever felt insecure about someone or something?

Virtual hugs🤗🤗🤗


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