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Confession time🙊🙊

I didn't steal it na
I just picked your money
Who doesn't like money???

Nobody would dare say he or she doesn't like money o, the likeness in people just differ. Some people don't only like, they love money sef. 

As you're reading this now, imagine a credit alert of a whooping sum of money from a particular person you've texted your account details to centuries ago and just remembered you today when you've even even lost hope.
You'll be so happy ehn😂 How I wish!

You see money is nobody's enemy, the ecstacy it adds to one's life can't be compared. Being able to buy what you like at a particular time, being able to eat what you want, being able to flex and do alot of things.

You know how wealthy these actors could be in movies, especially when they mention outrageous amount of money like it's that easy. For instance, when someone comes to one wannabe big man for help and he just collect the details of such person to wire like 5million naira instantly. My head🙆 Na like that e dey happen?

That scenerio might not be pictured perfectly in reality because if this rich person is your uncle or aunt, you often don't get to enjoy their affluence. Quote me. Most times, they would prefer to give to outsiders.

Lemme leave that detail for next time.

I could remember the very day I picked money on the floor. If I hadn't picked it then, I might have had a nightmare or a restive night.

With all the warnings I've received both moral and religious, the amount of money I saw that night made me betray my self.

It was about 12years ago, just myself and mum was at home. On a very cool evening, mum sent me to buy #50 bread that we would have for dinner and I went. The woman was supposed to give me #50 balance but didn't have at that time so she asked  me to come back. I took the bread home and around 7pm I went back to the woman to collect my balance. 

Few blocks away from my house, a bike had parked there when I was going for the balance but on coming back, the bike man had drove off.

As I was almost getting to the spot, I was seeing something sparkling, not clear of what it was, I hasted.

My head, it was #500 note on lying barely. I don't know who walked that path. I can't start looking for people to ask if they were looking for money na. Maybe it was for the bike man but I don't know him. The money will just waste like that if I don't kuku pick it.

#500???  You know how many things it would have bought me then? There was a fine 2 in 1 underwear that I saw and loved on a neighbour which she bought for #250 and now my own time came freely to buy it.

Surge of random thoughts like, what if I picked it and became a tuber of yam or what if I disappeared. I just swung all those away, bent to pick it and nothing happened. I get ''odeichi'' o

Hmmmmmm, because I didn't work for the money, it finished the next day. Mum didn't know about it. I got to school the next day, bought yoghurt and snacks at the food shed. Me that I was used to buying only #10 toban yoghurt at break since I take food from home😂. I was sure my friends then would have felt like I've arrived. On a normal day, a friend and I contribute transport fare back home where we just occupy a single space by ''lapping'' each other but that good day, we sat separately and I paid for two.
Interesting, right??

Reaching the bus stop, I looked round for an underwear seller and I found, she's got the exact thing I wanted to buy, she called it #300 and that was all.
Money yaf finish.

The story continues as I was always having the thoughts or imaginations of seeing money lying somewhere and that I was lucky to pick it which proceeded into me making estimations on how to spend the money I've not seen. I even go back to the same spot several times as if the creature that left the money the last time would have gone back there. That thought of awoof money hunted me for long.

Money!!! It is a spirit.
If you allow the thought of it to control you, then you're a slave to it. You would look for desperate means to get it and once you have it, it would be spent most times on irrelevant stuffs.

Who doesn't like awoof money? Or winning giveaways? It's fine when you are lucky to win but don't be so entitled to it. 

PS: Dun pick anyhow money sha, you can turn to crayfish o

I know this life is not balanced, but don't just sit there to think about money or waiting for someone who has promised you. 

Let's make money together. Let's use money to call more money forth.

How are you doing??

Virtual hugs🤗🤗🤗


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