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The Tinder Swindler🎬

  Apparently when this movie started showing on Netflix, I was busy with my final year stress, exams and projects inclusive so I had little or no time to watch movies as that. The movie revolves round a social media fraudster known as Simon who put up an expensive lifestyle on the Tinder dating app to swindle women who have basically fallen in love with him and believed him to be true. These three women victims basically were the ones narrating their ordeals that became a movie. He claimed to be the son to a wealthy family who deal in diamonds and convinces people with the documentation of his luxurious lifestyle on social media especially on instagram. Can we say dating app is now bad? Well, no. There have been so many experiences of people who have met their partners on these dating sites and are still doing well. Okay now, I want to believe those that fall for people like Simon are the ones who are attracted by prodigious lifestyle. Awon long-throat babes and guys who seek validatio


The heat had been terrible the past weeks which always made us stay out late to enjoy the fresh breeze. I entered my room to pick my satin bonnet hung on the wall before bumping into the bed for the night and what I saw was scorpion just above it (on the ceiling). Chai, I almost lost momentum. Was filled with mixed feelings cos I kept thanking God I could see it before it escaped and at the time thinking of ways to kill it. People in Eruwa know scorpion isn't new here, there's a tendency you'll see one in your room within a space of 6months and a year. Well, I really do not know how to describe where it was but it looked so scary that if it had fallen, it would have been on my bonnet, inside the fabrics I've not yet sold or probably crawled to my bed side. Yeeeeh The dry body I brought inside the room as a result of the excess breeze outside began to turn moist and then sweats rolled down in couple of seconds. I can't use broom cos there were things on the ground th

Overcoming inferiority 🤳

  There are two sets of people reading this: those that have experienced my current state and those looking forward to it. Maybe I haven't said this but right now I'm blogging as a graduate. Yaaaay I'm not here to wail and narrate ordeals but you would agree with me the journey isn't bread and butter if you study in any of Nigeria's federal or state owned institutions. I want to believe that whoever has taken a step to pursue whether NCE, ND, HND, B.Sc/B.A/B.Ed/B.Agric/B.Tech, L.Lb or any other program in a tertiary institutions should be lauded indiscriminately. For someone like me, I would say it's the survival of the fittest. Almost weighed down and battling with inferiority complex among my friends in the university but at last I had to shake it off as in 'odeychi' Prior to this time, I mean about 5years ago during my ND, I always try to evade conversation that probe into where I school. I could remember how I would always lie to an admirer or any ot

Inheriting Enemies😏

Okay wait, this thing happens and I'm yet to understand the reason behind it. Why should I as your friend go on to fight someone you aren't in good terms with??? Is it just because of loyalty and friendship that makes me automatically love whoever you loves and vice versa? I don't know if this mentality of inheriting other people's enemy is Africa-centered or all over the world which I doubt it is. Cos I don't even want to imagine people oversees having this kind of mindset. So, being friends through thick and thin has indirectly transformed to disliking same people and loving same set of people together. Eweeey. If you're not talking to your mum, I should also enter your house without greeting her? Or if someone had annoyed you, I should also play dumb to the person's greetings to pass a message of "My friend's enemy is mine" ? Gbogbo eleyi o necestri na I watched a movie recently. There were two ladies who used to be roommates, then they had

Gaslighting 🤔

  Hey fam❤️ Happy new year and welcome to 2022 To people that thought I had ran away from this space, I want to assure you that I'm still here. To new people coming across my blog, I hope you find stuff that interests you here. OMG, I'm actually excited about doing this even though I haven't really thought of what to type but something would eventually drop sha. lol. Yeaaaah, recently in our English class we were told by our lecturer to read Animal Farm by George Orwell before we resume for the new year. Though I had read it before a long time ago (which I'm sure a higher percentage of y'all reading this would have too) but I had to read it again to refresh my memory of the book at least for the sake of exams and any kind of assessment. I had earlier intended I was just going to read the summary online but I reluctantly had to read through in a single day since it was just a little above 110 pages or so. Lemme just say this book is about how animals overthrew humans

Teenage LoveyDovey🥰

 I don't know if it's me that I'm not serious with my life or the world is just turning upside down.  I could vividly remember how secondary school child's play/ love life looked like, it was a low-key something and even if you're a free person with your parents, it still had limitations of what they could know about your so-called love/lust life. All we see nowadays is just love in tokyo of these teenagers, proposals, matching outfits and all sort of public display of affection. Issokae.   I went out today in a public transport and a girl was sitting next to me, she was on uniform so it's obvious she's a secondary school student. I described her as a girl not just because of her looks but other things kinda showed she may be between 14-17 years at most. Then her phone rang and I saw "Ife Ayemi" with  several love emojis.   I sha cannot block my ears, all the conversation was entering my ears not that I was eavesdropping o. From what I heard the gu

Serendipity 🤭