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Serendipity 🤭

Do you know this part of 9ice's song? " w'owo lo, mo pade ola at'iyi lona..." Being literarily translated as "on  my way to earn a living, I met with affluence." Don't mind my translation though. Lol

The moment you're making efforts to get a particular thing and them boom another pleasant thing happens in the way is known as Serendipity.

I had found out that particular word through a serendipitous discovery actually. It happened that I was scrolling through my WhatsApp contacts to see more people I could advertise my fabrics business to and fortunately I came across the word SERENDIPITY on someone's status. I was awestruck at first thinking I should be able to provide a nearest in meaning but no idea. I immediately checked it up in the dictionary and it added to my list of vocabulary since then.

According to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Serendipity is the fact of something interesting or pleasant happening by chance. It is an unsought, unintended, and/or unexpected, but fortunate, discovery and/or learning experience that happens by accident.

Take for instance someone that had been job hunting for a long time and is almost at the verge of giving up, then decided to take the last trial by going to submit his resumé at an organization. All his plan is to get employed and live a good life. Let's now say, he got to meet his future partner in that same company. You know that wife of a thing was never planned or intended. 

Or let's say someone that only went to the mall get some items then ran into a friend that introduced a legitimate business to him. It is finding what you're not necessarily looking for.

It could also be likened to someone that's online to research a particular concept and then sees a pop-up of a scholarship or grant, clicks on it, fills in the required information and she's enlisted.

There are so many serendipitous situations in our lives. We don't prepare for them to happen, they just happen by chance and people start describing us as fortunate "that guy is just lucky sha, he only did few months internship with them and they've already asked him to head their branch office in South Africa." Hmmmm

So from now, when you're trying to describe events as such, you can say "that random serendipity made me see my dad after 12years of failed attempt" "I'm so delighted at this serendipitous happenings" etc.

How about sharing with me some of your serendipitous discovery?

Virtual hugs FAM 🤗🤗🤗


  1. It is a serendipitous that I met you through Prince Adegboyega. You have tuned out to be a blessing


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