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The Tinder Swindler🎬


Apparently when this movie started showing on Netflix, I was busy with my final year stress, exams and projects inclusive so I had little or no time to watch movies as that.

The movie revolves round a social media fraudster known as Simon who put up an expensive lifestyle on the Tinder dating app to swindle women who have basically fallen in love with him and believed him to be true. These three women victims basically were the ones narrating their ordeals that became a movie.

He claimed to be the son to a wealthy family who deal in diamonds and convinces people with the documentation of his luxurious lifestyle on social media especially on instagram.

Can we say dating app is now bad? Well, no. There have been so many experiences of people who have met their partners on these dating sites and are still doing well.

Okay now, I want to believe those that fall for people like Simon are the ones who are attracted by prodigious lifestyle. Awon long-throat babes and guys who seek validation online. Social media is what we take it to be and our motive on it really matters.

A lot of people out here are looking for preys to devour. They are as broke as church rat but are pretentious in order to attract rich people. There's a saying that "you attract your kind of people." Meaning that when you look rich, there's a tendency that well-to-do individual become your friend. The ladies were not 419 in this case, they were simply looking for the perfect match.

So I heard of a story about a family who are in the lower class category but because they believe that when their children move with rich people, they would likely be upgraded too, they had to take a loan to send their first child to a private institution hoping that when the child moves with those wealthy children their standards would be changed. In the long run, the proposed wealthy children he became friends with in school are also from a poor background hoping to become friends with influentials. They both became loosers.

As yoruba would say "tani ko gbon ogbon ka feran senu ka wati (who doesn't know the wisdom of a piece of meat disappearing in the mouth)." When you're trying to fake your personality on social media, someone dubious too is out there to get you. And when you eventually fall into such person's hands, you'll be swindled of that little you have. You think say you dey wise? Lol

The koko of the matter is, no one writes the kind of person they are on their foreheads, I mean those you meet online particularly. That cool one with a very alluring profile may be very deadly and vice versa. 

Well sha, I do not like how the movie ended cos the swindler didn't get the punishment he deserved as something was not right in there.

One thing I've relearned is not be blinded by fine pictures, followers, expensive vacation and the likes, it just could be a bait. Follow your instincts. It's importanter! Don't give out so many information and details about you to someone you've barely known. It just could be dangerous.

Do not be so loose and careless all in the guise of being an extrovert and a fun to chat with kinda person.

The days are evil and some people are evil likewise. Be wise as serpent.

So, do you want to share your experience with someone you met online?Good or bad?

Virtual hugs fam🤗🤗🤗


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