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I hate religion❗

 It's close to 45days of being at home and we have not resumed yet o. I just said I should inform you all sha so you'll feel my pain and help ring the bell to these people's ears.

I've been helping my sister sew some fabrics but I'm having backache and I've decided to rest my back for a while.

 One thing that keeps coming to my mind is a post I had seen on social media where a lady I had presumed to be a devout sister was saying she can't date a cleric.

Well, I won't want to sound prejudiced cos of course I'm not but I'm sure some of us would have seen related posts or even said it ourselves.

This lady in question is used to updating religious posts, reminding people of the time to pray and regularly quoting passages of the holy book. All these I think gave the impression that she would make a religious wife fit for a cleric which made a quite number of them approached her.

Now, she said openly that she can't be in a relationship with any not to talk of marry.

I had also been guilty of this too saying I can never marry a pastor but at a time when my understanding deepened, I know the dangers involved when God calls you and you ignore.

You see, it's not bad doing the work of the Lord, it's even greatly rewarding when you do it well.

Many people or let me say clergy men and women these days are overzealous. They are doing the work beyond the instruction which has made them religious fanatics.

In fact this religion of a thing, the debate no go end. We should all know there is a complete difference between being religious and being spiritual.

Religious people argue with you anytime you say things that hurt their pride, they become violent and are always ready to fight for God. Better sit down my friend, who sent you?

Religious people are doctrinal. They are so rigid in following laid down rules and regulations. You'll hear ''We don't normally do this o, we do that instead''

''We are not to pray like this, we are to say this''

''We've been told not to wear this or touch this or move with these people'' and so on. You sha know what you've been forbidden to do too na.

Well, I'm not sorry to say that once you're claiming to be religious, you're not free. You tend to be extremely cautious of everything, even the air you breathe. Omooooh

Don't you even think that kind of life is hypocritical? You actually would want to do some things but your religion has imposed certain restrictions on you to make you into the opposite of the life you wanted.

There's nothing like being spiritual, you're not tied down by any general age long laws, you're living based on personal convictions by the spirit. You simply don't refrain from something because they said you should, you refrain from it based on your understanding by the spirit.

Religion blinds you to live a life of your own except by doctrine, it scares you and makes you guilty for violating the law of such religion.

Meanwhile, spirituality is a clear opposite. You approach God just as you are not as you've been told to be.

Marrying a religious person can be frustrating to be honest. You won't be able to live freely, you would have to memorize the tenets of his or her religion with the threat that God will punish you if don't do accordingly. Biko, my God is not a General Officer Commanding, he's a loving Father. Come to think of it, does your dad punishes you for every defiance? 

Religious people do things because others are doing it and because they've been strictly warned to do it. Spiritual people do things because their father in heaven has told them to do it.

I'm sure you have spotted the differences. Do you now know the category you fall into? 

For me, it's a whole lot of stress to be fanatical about religion when you can always ask your Creator to help you serve him better.

Ramadan Kareem to my Muslim readers. I pray it won't just be a routine but light to your spiritual path.

Virtual hug FAM🤗🤗🤗


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