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False impressions❌


Ever had a reason to make a false impression? Don't say NO WAY. We all do, it could have been in the past though.

This false impression I'm talking about is the way we pretend to be something else to achieve an aim.

Maybe I should start with this, those times we were young (even till now) when we notice our parents or an elderly person wants to send us on an errand at a time not convenient for us, we may pretend we've slept off and not answer. You did that, I caught you😜 Lol.

Do you know what brought about this? I was in the kitchen planning to prepare ewedu for lunch and I remembered one of my friends was on call and had formed for the guy at the other end that she doesn't eat ewedu including other swallow food. Adunni why??? 

She had told me she doesn't want the guy to think locally of her. That was even another issue entirely, it was low self esteem and a willingness to pretend. Shikena!

There are various reasons why people make false impressions but are they even worth it?

Youruba would say : Eni méjì kò le pàdánù iró... Meaning ''two people can't be lied to at the same time, it's either the person telling the lie knows or the person being lied to knows'' (Just pardon my translation o, lol. I'm not so serious) 

No matter how perfect you pretend, you yourself know it's a false part of you and if you've killed your conscience, the person you're pretending for know it's a pretence. So what's the deal?

Why do we have to go through that stress of faulting our integrity anyhow? Like why you dey paint yourself blue when you be yellow?

I'm sure you saw Toyin Abraham's movie Alakada, Alakada reloaded or Fate of Alakada.  I'm sorry if you didn't or haven't, it's about fake life sha. Just like what we're saying now.

How does it feel within you when you fake it? Good? Disturbed?

Well, I'm not going to be sounding like Saint Sami Lola here cos I know someway somehow, I may be guilty too. What I know is, I can never tell you I don't eat ewedu or amala. I can just tell you I'm not a fan or this or that. False impression isn't when I tell you I don't like ila alasepo (combined okrasoup) it's the truth. I eat most meals on planet earth even Korean ramen that I've not seen but I have favourites.

Me ehn, I catch cruise gan o. It is the same me that I'm forming accent for you that will still tell you I'm a sagacious local girl because you'll see me stylishly adding some dialects as I commune with you. That's me.

It's not about those that catch cruise now, it's about those that are making falsity a lifestyle. O wrong now! If you're doing it to feel among, they go still shenk you one day cos the people you think you're forming for already know and they are waiting for when to disgrace you.

No matter the aim of your pretense, it still might be a bad game. 

A guy had approached me sometimes in 2019 forming American accent (you know all those I gotchya, wanna, gonna, imma keep disturbing you, etc) I was responding normally at first until I couldn't bear it again when I said  ''uncle, I've seen you talk with your guys and this wasn't how you sounded, abeg no stress yourself, talk freely'' After that I inserted some street slangs then he smiled and we flowed in Yoruba (I'm sure he was like ''baby yi get me sha'') He thought I was omo butter and he wanted to be given an audience, iffahear!

The things you don't do on a regular basis that you go on to do because of a person is a false impression of you unless you've completely changed into that person.

Some said why do I pretend to be what I'm not when I use Arabic words. Well, it's not pretence and it indicates nothing serious. My passion for learning different languages is a reason for this and I have several languages on my list to learn.

The way you talk,

The way you eat or the food you eat,

Your behaviours,

Even You,

Are you really you or you've been falsifying everything all these while? I hope you've not been pretending to be an omo butty when you're an ajekpako cos it doesn't matter o. 

I know you like Amala but you're saying your favourite is fried egg and plantain. Ko necestree na. Lol

Because we're saying you shouldn't fake it doesn't mean you don't work on your imperfections. Be a better you but don't pretend to be whom you're not.

Virtual hugs FAM🤗🤗🤗


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