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Your health and You✔


Knock knock!

May I come in?😂

Gbam, I'm in already.

Hmmmmm. The past week has been a battle for me, from malaria to cough to cold to lack of appetite and all. Finally, I came out stronger. Wait, what were you thinking? I caught you, it's not corona virus o.

I'm fully convinced that good health is underrated. You move freely, eat anything, sleep for long hours, wear sleeveless cloth and just live at too much of a liberty.

Then sickness handicaps one to be so much of a selective eater. Did I even say eat? You may not be able to eat anything at that moment. Temperature gets to a hundred degrees Celsius, then every usual activities become odd.

I couldn't eat good food because there was no appetite, all I could honestly take was pap and milk or beverage. Gosh! It wouldn't have been an option if I was fine.

So many times, we need to be grateful for blessings money can't buy, good health is one big deal.

For days you really want to drip, you could bend to iron your cloth, walk to the basin to have your teeth brushed, to the bathroom and you are even whistling your top playlist in the shower, you were moving about in the room, dressed up, headed to the dressing mirror and then bounced out of the house ’dripping sauce.''

Does that description fit into what you do on a daily basis?

Back to when I was called to come for an hangout, stretching out my hands on the bed to pick the phone all that took almost forever. Vague response, trembling hands, aches all over. Shey you can relate?

Whether it was mosquito bite, duress or fatigue or whatever caused it, I know I haven't been taking care of me well enough. Just a good meal per day, less water intake and junks.

I'll advice you take more water too if you haven't been doing so and rest well to give nature what it wants. Be conscious of what you eat and have a good hygiene.

Be reminded that health is wealth and yea, that good health you see ehn can't be traded for anything. I can scream now that I'm hale and hearty.

Even as at this time of #EndSARS protest, an unhealthy person can't go on the streets.

Before I go, take good care of your health well, e get why o😉



Virtual hugs FAM🤗🤗🤗


  1. As the saying goes, health is wealth.
    But one thing I've come to realize after doing it for a couple of times is that, whenever I'm sick (especially of it's malaria or the likes), what I have to do is eat (eating good food, not junks oooo) for my body to get better. I don't use drugs, hate it.
    Eating right & regularly for a couple of days does the trick for me.
    It works for me, can't say the same for others.


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