I was checking through my gallery recently and I found pictures of people I've not even come in contact with saved in different folders ranging from screenshot to received images to Facebook and twitter images and I was just smiling at myself. This is just like you would find the famous Korean actor in almost every ladies' phone, I mean Lee Min Ho. These people do not even know someone somewhere has saved their pictures from birth up till the one that was uploaded minutes ago. Lol😂 I'm reminded of a video I saw on someone's status some months ago where a cleric was saying the reason some ladies are stillsingle is because, they've already fallen in love with people they can't come across in their entire life. We've quickly gone past days of Woman Crush Wednesday👩, Woman Crush Ever😍, Man Crush Monday👨 and Man Crush Ever😍 where you'll see WhatsApp status full of WCE numbering 1 to 10 or so. I actually tagged this 'celebrity crush' but some wou...
LOLLYCIOUSTALKS is a lifestyle blog site where I share engaging content that are curated by my personal interests and daily activities. They vary across habits, fashion, food, books, faith, movies, trending top stories, family, travel and more. I tend to share them in categories like stories, pillow talks and random thoughts. Not a motivational blog😋, the contents are presented in a conversational and relatable manner. Stay on. Hope you find them entertaining, educative and inspiring. ❤❤