It's good to have you here again😍 You are loved. Long time no vocabulary. I know scholars here may not really see those words as new nonetheless I'll still share cos what? I get coconut head. Lol So, many of us have actually been here at some points in our life especially when we're trying to really get along in a conversation and present ourselves as supposedly "intelligent." Hmmm, I could still remember one of the embarrassing moments I had some years back while they were talking about network marketing like GNLD, oriflame, longrich, etc I was like practically linking it to telecommunication networks and everyone was like "no now, seems you're not getting what we are saying..." feet kinda dragged o Although, you may have tried to do that and not be caught that you're really ignorant of the subject matter. Such person that pretends to be so much knowledgeable when in actual sense he or she isn't is called a PSEUDOINTELLECTUAL. ...
Lollycious Yaaaay I'm excited it's July and most importantly my birth month. "Lemme see you go low low low...Buga won" 💃 A quick one yeah, I was in my school last week to attend JCI General Assembly hoping I would be able to share something with them as per past director of Publicity but I couldn't. So I would like to do this now since we still still have the second half of the year to achieve a lot if Christ tarries. It's basically about building a personal brand which speaks volume about us as individuals and what we do. I had uploaded on my WhatsApp status how I met someone at an event and instead of the person to simply just tell me his name and what he does, he was telling me how he is a very tight friend to the commissioner and I wondered what for? I want my name to ring a bell not until I link myself to a superstar cos I'm also a celebrity o and I'm sure you want to always be known as "You" not as someone else. Building a personal bra...