Our over-hyped 2020 is almost gone, in about 72 hours, we would all be updating #StraightOutta2020. With all the odds that came with 2020, With the way things were affected, With complaints here and there, Did the year really feel your presence? I know we all had excuses. '' I wish I could have done this and that but covid19 spoilt my plans...'' and so on. For you to still be alive reading this, it can only be God and I felicitate with you. If you were to do a review of your life this year, did you merely exist or live? Well, these two English words are used wrongly by some people, they believe they are living when in the real sense they are existing. Okay, wait, apart from people recognising you by name, complexion, voice or appearance, do they know you by good works? Existence is a state of being, to be alive, to fill a vacuum, to occupy a space. Living is different, it's being alive to have an impact. This year, we know you're online, you view status, you ...
LOLLYCIOUSTALKS is a lifestyle blog site where I share engaging content that are curated by my personal interests and daily activities. They vary across habits, fashion, food, books, faith, movies, trending top stories, family, travel and more. I tend to share them in categories like stories, pillow talks and random thoughts. Not a motivational blog馃構, the contents are presented in a conversational and relatable manner. Stay on. Hope you find them entertaining, educative and inspiring. ❤❤