Hiyaaa Happy new week. Guess you're fine right?? If not, I bet you can always talk to me and I'll be sure to give my rapt attention. And yea, where are the icons o? it's still BBN lockdown celebration mode and I'm congratulating Laycon. If only we can share the money together or I should goan do a video claiming I'm pregnant for him nih🤔 since everyone is clinching with him already. Lol. Don't mind me o You will permit me to type this as the spirit leads tonight because I'm stressed already. You know that moment that you're anxiously waiting for school resumption then school resumes and you become quite reluctant to travel immediately. So there's this stuff I would like to share with you. Wait o, lemme drink water😂 Just calm down ehn It's not that serious. You know I told you I want us to get personal? I would just like to know what you would have done if you were in my shoes o. As you know, I'm a radio baby. I love doing the talking, whe...
LOLLYCIOUSTALKS is a lifestyle blog site where I share engaging content that are curated by my personal interests and daily activities. They vary across habits, fashion, food, books, faith, movies, trending top stories, family, travel and more. I tend to share them in categories like stories, pillow talks and random thoughts. Not a motivational blog😋, the contents are presented in a conversational and relatable manner. Stay on. Hope you find them entertaining, educative and inspiring. ❤❤