I'm grateful for the fact that I've moved from the position of "I can't" to "I can try"
I've seen so many people belittle themselves when they are asked to do some things, you'll hear "Me I know myself o, I can't do this thing at all." By the power bestowed on me now🤣 I'm telling you to please let go of that mindset. It ties you down so badly.
I want to see a generation that dares to do, a generation that challenges the undoable. The worst form of failure you can never have is not trying at all.
Fine, some people know their strengths and weakness as to what they are good at or bad at. But just because you're good at something doesn't mean you can upgrade yourself in what you think you are bad at. Guess what? You can turn out the best.
I've read so many motivational books that says if you know what you're good at, just focus on that and leave the rest. Well, I'm not disputing that but my dear, the world has gone beyond staying within a confinement. You see ehn, you need to explore other angles.
There's an interview I read some times past about a medical student in OAU that's also a cobbler. She had learnt that during one of their long term strike. Imagine how it is like to switch between science and art. Why do you think she hadn't gone to learn patent medicine or probably stayed at a laboratory throughout?
She must had first thought to herself that "am I okay?" or "am I sure I would be able to do it" or even spoken to a friend who might have dissuaded her like "alaye, shey you know what you're doing bayi" but she still tried to learn. If she had failed at it or probably realised it's something she can't do, we wouldn't have been hearing about her now. She chose to challenge herself.
Look here, I'm not saying you should be a jack of all trades. Noooo. But don't be so comfortable in what you think you can do. There are abilities in you that may never be explored till you die so why not exercise some now.
I had never thought I would be in tech as a lifestyle blogger/ content creator. I just wanted to try it out and quit if it's not working but I realised I'm so comfortable telling people about myself and several other things.
Unless you try out something, you may never know how good you are at that.
Some of us see fliers of competitions online and immediately tell ourselves that "this definitely isn't for me" Why not just give it a trial first? At least, if you were not selected, you would have known you tried to still participate and look out for more opportunities. Who knows if you would blow people's mind in the next one and be the winner?
True true, I would say you're the enemy of you if you don't try new things out. Don't be so complacent within yourself as to your strengths, some may be hidden. Unless you play ball, you may never know if you're an excellent player. You can't just be sitting and be telling people "I'm a bad player o" They will ask you how do you know?
Most successful people nowadays never knew they could do what they are doing now. All they did was change their mindset from "I can't" to "Lemme even try it out first" and see them now in billions. Yeah, it's that simple!
The world needs people who can be flexible to learn, relearn and unlearn. At the long run, when they ask you "can you do this?" Be honest to say "I can try it out now and in few days time, I should be able to do well in it"
That's just the spirit! Just dare to challenge YOU.
Virtual hugs FAM 🤗🤗🤗
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