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Oga o, you people didn't see me and nobody asked of me. Shey na like that life be???

Not that I've actually been so uptight but I never knew why I haven't dropped by here in two weeks? Or you probably thought blogging has ended for me??? Naaa

So fam, how do you do? And what have I missed so far?

Incase you didn't know, my birthday was this past Sunday (July 18th) and it was one of the dry"est" yet thankful birthday. I actually received a birthday cake early that Sunday morning, like one or two credit alerts and several posts on social media. I wanted more though. I'm sure the next birthday would be better than this one 💯. God spares our lives. FYI: I'm still open to every gifts.

Back to the matter. I'm actually propelled to write this based on recent happenings, I mean DEATHS of young and old. Oh no, I'm sorry this is not to scare you but I'm driving somewhere.

You see when Obama DMW died, the veteran plus-sized yoruba actress Eniola Badmus actually called out to people who have promised his son heaven and earth not to promise and fail. And yes, this is where I'm going.

I'm sure this would be the umpteenth time you would hear "Promise is a debt" but still you're owing alot of people out there. Maybe you just never took your words seriously but the other party did and was expecting you to show up which you failed to.

I've watched it in movies where people lose their parents or the breadwinners in their families, then other family members come around and give a soothing relief to be all that the deceased had never been for the wife and the children. Lori iro!

Sure, it's not good to put our hopes in men but if you eventually make a promise to do something for someone, endeavour to do it. Yes, there are times that things are hard and you're not able to fulfill what you said. Don't be like "but things are hard." You should have thought of that earlier.

Nobody is saying you should not help but instead of promising, give what you can afford. It's far better and protects your integrity.

Now, it's not about money or "call me on Monday, I'll make sure the job is yours." Sometimes, it's about little things. You promised someone you were going to call him or her back and you failed to (I'm sure guilty of this too but not as before). You don't know if the person has taken solace in your words that when you get to talk eventually, he or she would get the needed momentum.

It could be prayers. Someone discussed something with you and you said "don't worry, I'll put you in prayers" but you didn't. Or ''I'm coming to visit you on so so so date" imagine the person has now prepared meal for you and you failed to show up without informing them about the change in plans.

In order not to owe anyone, I would like to tell you not to promise at all. Make tentative or conditional statements instead (though that can dampen your integrity). For instance "I'll send you the money if the person pays up before friday" that means if you're not able to send the person the money by that friday, he or she should be informed that the person owing you has not paid you. Simple! Don't bounce calls or grumble if the person you promised is trying to know the update.

Fam, once you see or hear "If" know the person is not really promising you and the statement should not be relied upon. 

Whatever the case may be, do what you can afford alone and don't overstretch yourself to make vague promises. 

Finally, let your Yes be Yes and your No No. If you can do something, let it be known or otherwise. Don't just be raising our hopes anyhow.

This is my first post in the second half of 2021. I hope it meets you well

Virtual hugs FAM🤗🤗🤗


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