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Long time no blog🥴

Oh goodness, taking a break from here seems to be taking forever. A whole month??? Damn

This is me listening to Running to You by Chike right now and all I can hear is my blog calling on me that ''lollycious, why has thou forsaken me?''

You know what? I'm back with full force.... yeaga

So, as I entered here after a while I noticed I needed to dust, remove the cobwebs, mop the floor and finally fumigate. Would be needing herbicide too cos I noticed the weed around the LOLLYCIOUSTALKS compound. Lol

Here's the gist so you all can know what's up with me all these period. Two phones were stolen in my bag on my sister's wedding (I mean mine and my bride's) on the first day of the month. Kai, e shock me.

Prior to this time, I had been losing interest in blogging because of the dropped readership statistics due to network issue and I thought of quitting but a part of me is still saying ''baby continue.''

Back to the phone issue. The more I described the incidence, the more I had looked like a fool to people by saying that I dropped my bag in care of people to go take pictures with the bride, was told by the MC it wasn't the turn of the bride's family yet and going back to my seat to get the highest shock of my life, my bag had been opened when I was so sure it was closed properly few seconds ago.

It was the closing hour already and the church was already looking scanty due to the fact that majority of the guests had left for the reception venue.

I didn't want to believe the phones were stolen at first, I looked around and then asked people nearby to start calling the numbers. They rang at first then the two lines became switched off like instantly. Chineke🙆

I regretted not raising an alarm immediately because I didn't want the atmosphere to change and cause the bride to be worried.

Mehnnnnn, it was hard to believe ooo. Two phones worth more than 100k altogether. I hated myself for falling victim. At first, I became desperate to look for it by all means even if it's by consulting the oracle or a diety. Lol, don't mind me. I just couldn't believe my smartness could be outweighed.

I was lambasted by almost everyone. It was as though I had lost the phones intentionally or maybe misplaced them and a lucky someone picked them up.

Omooooh, I cried my eyes out. It must have been as a result of stolen phones and me missing my sister at the same time. Like, I locked myself up and wailed terribly. Why should it be me on the first day of the month? Was eventually consoled by people who made me see reasons why I should thank God nothing more than that happened.

Fast forward, I traveled back to school that Sunday without any phone. You see ehn, it is better to have a faulty phone than one's phone to be stolen oooo. Everything about me looked different. Thoughts flying in my head was ''How would I cope without a smartphone?''

I went back to Ibadan that same week, got my sim cards retrieved without a phone to insert them. E choke. Well, a good friend came to my aid and I went digital again but at a pace I'm still unsure about. Still thinking in my head, how will I get a new phone bayi???

Booooom, when it was seeming unreal of whether I was still going to use a phone in the first half of the year, a new phone landed! New whip alert🤭

I've missed you all. I guess you've been good??

Gist continues...

Virtual hugs FAM 🤗🤗🤗


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