Hiyaaaa 👋 Happy lockdown to you but incase you aren't really lockdown as you ought to be, happy unlockdown then😀. I don't know if you are as baffled as I am right now about the spread of COVID-19. Well, the amount of fear still can't be compared to the amount of hope I have for survival. I calm myself with "Fear not, We'll be fine." Please do likewise 😁 I won't lie to you the number of confirmed cases in Nigeria has risen far beyond the updates released. Did you ask me how? OK, there are some set of people who have been noticing the symptoms or they might even be asymptomatic but deep down they know they are in for it, due to the society we are in where these people know they can be quickly stigmatized, they tend to keep mute and just act as if nothing is wrong with them thereby causing harm to whosoever come in contact with them. You can agree with me now right? How I wish all hands could be on deck against the spread of this COVID-19. Can w...
LOLLYCIOUSTALKS is a lifestyle blog site where I share engaging content that are curated by my personal interests and daily activities. They vary across habits, fashion, food, books, faith, movies, trending top stories, family, travel and more. I tend to share them in categories like stories, pillow talks and random thoughts. Not a motivational blog😋, the contents are presented in a conversational and relatable manner. Stay on. Hope you find them entertaining, educative and inspiring. ❤❤