The countdown has just begun. This is the only time we seem to be truly awakened that the days of the year doesn't stop counting. August folds up to usher in the Ember months. You hear people say ''oga o, this year is almost gone sha'' as if the year wasn't going before now. Doubled profit making is the goal for the latter part of the year as this. (Singing) Ember ko ma ko wa l'ebi lo Ember ko ma ko wa n'ile lo Osu ''BER BER BER'' la de Baba l'oke so wa ninu ibanuje Ember ko ma ko wa n'ile lo The lines above simply translate ''God keep our homes and extended families safe during the Ember months.'' I can't say specifically who sang that song but It's been popular ever since I was young especially at this time of the year. Very soon, everyone will start singing this Good Women song too: ''Odun n lo s'opin o baba rere (the year is going to an end good Father) F'iso re so wa o t'omo t'...
LOLLYCIOUSTALKS is a lifestyle blog site where I share engaging content that are curated by my personal interests and daily activities. They vary across habits, fashion, food, books, faith, movies, trending top stories, family, travel and more. I tend to share them in categories like stories, pillow talks and random thoughts. Not a motivational blog😋, the contents are presented in a conversational and relatable manner. Stay on. Hope you find them entertaining, educative and inspiring. ❤❤